Where both deliberate, the love is slight; who ever loved that loved not at first sight? Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove… Or would you have me hide my passion, now that passions court me - late fruit of the tree that I am?
On Thursday night I had a second date with ‘Q’. It was much more sedate than the first one; a vegetarian Indian meal with a drink both before and after.
The before drinks certainly involved muches smooches, and the dinner was lovely (I prefer Chinese food but it was really nice). ‘Q’ is coming to my Eurovision party, and he’ll stay the night. His family has a house in East Anglia where he was going to spend the long weekend – and we have arranged for me to go with him direct from my place, and I will spend a night or two there too! But, before we knew it, the time had come for us to part.
I felt ‘Q’ was a little distant when he left, but I thought it was because he was tired, so I sent him a text wishing him a good night… And yes, in the morning more messages and all was OK, everything back on track, a great weekend ahead of us.
There is a play, written by Sir Terence Rattigan, called The Deep Blue Sea. Through it he hypothesises about what might have been if an actor, with whom he had had a relationship, had been saved from suicide – that is, rescued and revived in the attempt. The play is written as a love story between a man and a woman – focussing on her struggle to find ways and reasons to go on living - because in 1952, when the piece was penned, the Lord Chancellor would have got his infamous blue pencil out and censored it to hell; and Sir Terence would have been carted off to jail to boot. Greta Scacchi plays the lead ‘female; role in the play currently at the Vaudeville Theatre, and I’m very keen to see it. ‘Q’ said he wanted to see it too, so I shall book that as our next outing after the long weekend.
On Friday night ‘D’ and I, after dinner, went to see Lord of the Rings at the Theatre Royal and I must say it was brilliant. The special effects are simply breathtaking – I can’t describe how powerful and absorbing they are, and expertly blended into the story. The songs (and the singing), choreography, everything was great; and it is not a simple copy of the film, so despite lasting three hours it is a must-see (check out the vid below)! Co-incidentally a neighbour of mine who’s coming to my little party was also there. Small world. ‘D’ was his same old self – I’m worried that he is excluding himself from all the opportunities out there; he’s not on the scene, not a member of any website… still, I’m sure he’ll bump into a friend-of-a-friend at a party or some such thing and that will be that. He doesn’t really go for the casual hook-up, but secretly I think that’s what he really wants, and is at the core of all his neuroses about relationships.
In the meantime the man-fun side of me that I’m sure you’ve come to know and love is still very much in evidence. On Friday afternoon I had another visit from ‘Z’ which was rather nice. I have tentative hopes* that he’ll become a semi-regular feature of otherwise dull afternoons. And when I came home this morning – after a brief panic arising from the fact I had lost my keys – I found an email from a new guy (‘X’) to which I replied. As he was online too we ended up messaging each other, and this led to a phone call and… a new experience for me, but apparently one where I am not considered wanting.
Now, you know me well enough gentle reader. Should things work out with ‘Q’ (see the * above) I shall hang up my spurs and be the one-man type. But until then, gentle reader, until then…
1 comment:
Until then, gentle Mike, you've still got half of an alphabet to get through!!! ;-) Keep it up!
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