Mike... that's me; a.k.a Hogzilla; a.k.a Frumpella the Cheerful Fairy. I live in Strumpetville, which bears a striking resemblance to London, UK.
I came out to the world and threw myself into dating men 'officially' for the first time - looking for Mr Right - though I kept finding Mr Right Now until I met my gorgeous Fella :-)
Most of my friends are people I went to school with and people I work, or used to work, with. I love them to bits, and they love me back (I think!) so I suppose I'm worth a whirl, or at some point maybe Stockholm syndrome sets in.
34, soon to be 35 - how did that happen? Not too happy about that; still need convincing that I'm not 18 any more.Most of my friends are people I went to school with and people I work, or used to work, with. I love them to bits, and they love me back (I think!) so I suppose I'm worth a whirl, or at some point maybe Stockholm syndrome sets in.
Physically average height, brown eyes and hair. My hairline is receeding, wich is quite sad, but my body (though right now there are a few extra pounds - hence Hogzilla) is relatively good, if still a work in progress.
Not prize-winning looks (unless it's one of those "never mind, thanks for taking part" prizes) but I don't break mirrors. I love to be busy, but I do enjoy a nice quiet night in once in a while to recharge the batteries.
My mind: well, I'm quite clever. Perhaps too clever by half. I'm a physicist by training, and have all the nerdy sttributes of your science-stereotype. Love my sci-fi; Star-Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Dr Who. Always had a bit of a thing for Batman too *ahem*
Currently I'm doing a research degree in public policy and my dissertation will look at the possible link between behaviour and life experiences with a particular focus on whether access to social institutions like 'marriage' has a positive outcome.
I'm not a creative type myself; don't play an instrument for example. I like a range of music, from classical (well, baroque) to techno/rave; the last is particularly pertinent because I was just old enough to enjoy the second summer of love. I am told I have good taste (much as we abhor the cliche) and do enjoy pretty things.
I do enjoy my DIY, my gardening, driving too fast, going to the gym. I eat and drink too much and then complain about my weight. I love my friends, which is important because I am very very shy so making them is sometimes hard. In fact I'm highly introverted (my Myers-Mriggs is INTJ)
Yes, I am by and large a perfectly ordinary man who happens to be gay. Took me a long time to realise it; who so long I do not quite know - certainly happy to dive in feet first far too early into anything else life had to offer.
Now... I am engaged... so it remains to be seen what the future holds. Not 100% ready for the wedding, mortgage, pension-planning, death scenario (that not-being-18 tiresomeness)... so stay tuned.
I hope you enjoy my blog, which is my attempt to get things off my mind without boring my friends to the point they tunnel their way out. If you want to get in touch you can email me, or you can comment on any of the posts in the usual way; comments are always very much appreciated!